Abstract of the papers, presented at the SAM 2018 conference
All abstracts of the papers presented at the conference are available below as pdf file SAM18 Abstracts, whereas full papers are published in the conference proceedings:
ČERNE, Matej (urednik), ALEKSIĆ, Darija (urednik), KOVAČ, Jure (urednik), PELJHAN, Darja (urednik), ROZMAN, Rudi (urednik), SITAR, Aleša Saša (urednik), 5th International Conference on Management and Organization, Brdo pri Kranju, 14-15 June 2018. Management and organization in the digital society : conference papers. Ljubljana: The Slovenian Academy of Management, 2018. 310 str., tabele, graf, prikazi. ISBN 978-961-92878-9-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 295212032]
Some selected papers will also be published in the future issues of the two Slovenian Academy of Management Journals Dynamic Relationship Management Journal and Management Challenges.