Slovenian Academy of Management, together with School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, and Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, with the support of CEEMAN, organized on June 23-24, 2022 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, organized the 6th International Conference on Management and Organization SAM 2022 titled »INTEGRATING ORGANIZATIONAL RESEARCH: INDIVIDUAL, TEAM, ORGANIZATIONAL AND MULTILEVEL PERSPECTIVES«. The conference took place at School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana and on Zoom platform.


The conference was hosting excellent plenary and keynote speakers, who shared their most current insights and research findings. Findings were shared by James M. LeBreton from Pennsylvania State University, Kim van Oorschot from BI Norwegian Business School, Tobias Kretschmer from LMU Munich School of Management, and Kristina Potočnik from University of Edinburgh Business School. Participants from universities and schools from 17 different countries came to Ljubljana. Participants came from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Poland, Albania, Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom, Canada, USA, Colombia and Thailand. In two days, 43 papers were presented in 10 sessions. The first day of the conference presentations were held in session HRM and OB, Job design, Leadership, Business process management and Digitized work. On the second day, presentations were scheduled in the sessions Macro- and cross-level issues, Innovative work behaviour and Project organizing


Conference was opened by introductory words of the organizers. First Matej Černe, member of executive board of Slovenian Academy of Management addressed the participants, followed by Tomislav Hernaus, from Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb and president of the program committee greeting everyone. After that Metka Tekavčič, Dean of School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana welcomed everyone to School of Economics and Business and Ljubljana. Last, Aleša Saša Sitar, president of organizing committee of the SAM 2022 conference share some practical information. After that the first plenary presentation followed by James M. LeBreton, titled Data aggregation in multilevel research: A review and recommendations for improved clarity, transparency, and reproducibility in which he addressed how to aggregate data for multilevel studies.


This was followed by the HRM and OB session, chaired by Tomislav Hernaus. Within the session, Aleksandar Nikolovski first presented the article (co-author Robert Kaše) titled Objective and perceived overqualification, job satisfaction and wages: The moderating role of high-performance work practices. This was followed by a presentation by Marjolein C. J. Caniëls, who presented the article (co-authored by Dave Stynen and Lisa A. van Oortmerssen) Fluent flow: The role of team characteristics for team flow. After that Antonio Sadarić presented the article (co-authored by Nina Pološki Vokić and Miha Škerlavaj) Strong organizational cultures or corporate cultism? Investigating the interplay of transformational leadership, organizational identification and employee engagement.


After the break, two parallel sessions Job design and Leadership followed. Four presentations took place in the Job design session, chaired by Robert Kaše. First, Sut I Wong presented an article (co-authored by Suzanne van Gils) titled Give and take? Initiated and received task interdependence improve distributed team performance through different forms of role clarity. Matija Marić then presented the article Differential impact of job demands and job resources mis(fit) on work engagement. Nada Zupan presented an article (co-authors Katarina Katja Mihelič, Mark Bailey, Julie Brueckner and Agnieszka Postuła) titled Investigating employer and young professionals (mis)matched expectations in European SMEs through the lens of psychological contracts. Katarzyna Gadomska-Lila presented an article (co-authored by Aleksandra Rudawska and Anna Pluta) titled The complementary role of commitment-based HR practices and cooperative climate in knowledge sharing behaviours. Then Matej Černe presented the article (co-authored by Darija Aleksić, Katerina Božič and Aldijana Bunjak) The relationship between (techno)stress and burnout: Job autonomy as key boundary condition.


Four articles were presented in the parallel session Leadership. Melita Balas Rant first presented an article (co-authored by Nikolaos Dimitriadis) titled Meaning making about the self from discrepant multi-informant sources of data: Implication for vertical adult (leader) development. Shuai Yuan then presented an article (co-authored by Zening Zheng, Kaiyang Qin, Peikai Li and Siyi Gu) titled The rise of informal leaders in social media: How do emotions help leaders gain influence? Then Peter Nientied presented an article (co-authored by Merita Toska) titled Leadership substitute theory in present-day organizations. This was followed by a presentation by Branka Likon and Katja Arzenšek Konjajeva, who presented the article Change as a second chance (Leader-member exchange, changing teams and organizational improvements). The section was directed by Sabina Bogilović. Lunch followed.


After lunch, the keynote speaker Kim van Oorschot gave a presentation titled Give and Take: What can we learn from the waves of the pandemic?, in which she presented lessons from the pandemic based on the sharing of vaccines between countries. Then, in the Business process management session, directed by Peter Trkman, three papers were presented. Joklan Goni presented an article (co-authored by Amy Van Looy) entitled Process innovation capability in less-structured business processes. Then Claus Nottbrock presented his paper Impact of digital innovations on interorganizational value chains: Development of a novel capability framework. This was followed by the presentation of the article by Poorie Jafari (co-author Amy Van Looy) entitled To build and test a maturity model for digital-oriented work practices.


After the break, two parallel sessions followed, HRM/OM and Digitized work. In the HRM/OM section, directed by Sut I Wong, Alex Cheing first presented an article (co-authored by Jenny Ting and Cindy Tu) titled Putting corporate reputation on the line: Employee ethical attitudes towards personal use of workplace internet. Then Ajda Merkuž presented an article (co-authored by Diellza Gashi Tresi and Katarina Katja Mihelič) titled Work-family conflict between spouses: The spillover-crossover effects of role identity and boundary management behaviours. Yevhen Baranchenko then presented an article (co-authored by Kateryna Akbash) titled Challenges to the career advancement of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) academic staff in the UK business schools: Exploring institutional and social barriers. This was followed by a presentation by Patricia Meglich, who presented an article (co-authored by Benjamin Thomas) titled Hazy lenses: Multiple organizational and theoretical perspectives on new employee hazing. Finally, Manjiri Kunte presented her article titled Encouraging intrapreneurship with the entrepreneurial blueprint in Thailand.


In the parallel session, there were presentations on the topic Digitized work, moderated by Amy Van Looy. First, the article was presented by Peter Trkman (co-authors Marcelo Bronzo Ladeira, Marcos Paulo Valadares de Oliveira and Kevin McCormack) The drivers of individual analytics and its effect on decision quality and regret. Then Ibrahim Hamza presented an article (co-authored by Sarolta Tóvölgyi) titled Measuring gamification influence on employees’ behaviour. This was followed by a presentation by Cynthia Daoud (co-author Ibrahim Hamza) Companies moving hybrid during the coronavirus pandemic. Then the article Remote working and its impact on employee work-life balance across different industries was presented by Elizabeta Škrinjar (co-author Karin Križman). Finally, Tomi Keber presented his article titled Working from home and technology at work: The role of generational affiliation, digital competencies and personal innovativeness in information technology.


The first day of the conference ended with a gala dinner at Ljubljana Castle. The participants gathered in the city center and took the funicular railway up to the castle, where they in the friendly atmosphere of the castle restaurant discussed plans for future research and possible collaborations.


The second day of the conference began with a presentation by keynote speaker Tobias Kretschmer entitled Platforms, markets and hierarchies: The effects of digital transformation on work and organizations, in which he presented the effects of digital transformation and platforms on work and organizations. This was followed by the presentations of the Macro- and cross-level issues session, directed by Ana Aleksić Mirić. First, Aleša Saša Sitar presented an article (co-authored by Tomislav Hernaus, Matej Černe and Matija Marić) titled From organization design to task performance: a multilevel and fit approach extension of the job-modification framework. This was followed by a presentation by Ana Aleksić Mirić, who presented an article (co-authored by Biljana Bogićević Milikić and Nebojša Janićijević) titled Working from home and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Individual, group and organizational level analysis. Then Tomislav Hernaus presented an article (co-authored by Aleša Saša Sitar) titled Do organizational dualities drive business-unit performance? A dual-stage cross-level moderated mediation model. The last article was presented by Piotr Trapczynski (co-author Tilo Halaszovich) titled An organizational learning approach to export portfolio choices and export performance: The perspective of Polish firms.


After the break a keynote presentation by Kristina Potočnik followed titled Not all that glitters is gold: An exploration of paradoxes and tensions in creativity and innovation, in which she presented paradoxes in creativity and innovation. Then, in the Innovative work behaviour session, directed by Matej Černe, three papers were presented. First, Nicola Cangialosi presented an article (co-authored by Carlo Odoardi, Marco Peña-Jimenez and Mirko Antino) titled Diversity of social ties, informal learning, and innovative work behavior: A mediation model. Nikolina Dragičević then presented the article The role of job characteristics in stimulating innovative work behaviour: A necessary condition analysis. This was followed by a presentation by Sabine Bogilović, who presented an article (co-authored by Tatjana Kozjek) titled Talent individuals donate knowledge yet they are still innovative..


The presentations were then followed by the awards ceremony for the best contributions. The CEEMAN/IMTA Best paper award for junior scholars, delivered by Danica Purg, president of CEEMAN, went to Matija Marić from the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb, for the article “Differential impact of job demands and job resources mis(fit) on work engagement”. The SEB LU Award for best research paper, delivered by Metka Tekavčič, Dean of the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, went to Aleksandar Nikolovski and Robert Kaše from the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana for the article “Objective and perceived overqualification, job satisfaction and wages: The moderating role of high performance work practices”. The awarding ceremony was followed by lunch.


In the last part of the conference, two parallel sessions Project organizing and Macro- and cross-level issues took place. The Project organizing session was chaired by Darija Aleksić. First, Gabriella Cserháti presented the article Evolution of leadership style approaches in project management, and directions for future research. Then Santiago Bonilla presented an article (co-authored by Sašo Polanec) titled Organizational hierarchies in the Slovenian manufacturing sector. Jurij Giacomelli then presented the article Circular potential of a business model. Next, Mihály Görög presented the article Inductive vs. deductive research in management – Potentials for doing deductive research in project management. Bálint Blaskovics presented his last article entitled Factors having an impact on successful project proposal.


In the Macro- and cross-level issues session, which took place in parallel and was moderated by Aleša Saša Sitar, the article entitled Empirical evidence for hybridization of explicit and implicit corporate social responsibility was first presented by Erik Pelters. Then Iris Koleša presented an article (co-authored by Anže Burger and Andreja Jaklič) entitled Firms’ responses to external shocks: The case of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was followed by Laura Fink’s presentation entitled Psychological safety in national, organizational and individual context. Then Iris Koleša presented the article A multilevel view of international employee mobility in an emerging market (firm) context. Lastly, Edona Haxhiu presented an article (co-authored by Mojca Marc) titled Key issues in operational risk management in the banking sector: A literature review.


The conference ended with the closing thoughts of the organizers Tomislav Hernaus and Aleša Saša Sitar, who thanked the authors, reviewers and members of the organizational and program committee of the conference for their contribution, followed by a short discussion on future research with an emphasis on multilevel analyses. The participants were then invited to participate in conferences and other events of the Slovenian Academy of Management in the future.


All abstracts of presented papers are available on website of the Slovenian Academy of Management SAM2022 Conference Proceedings. In Photo Gallery you can also enjoy some photos from the event.


Tomislav Hernaus in Aleša Saša Sitar