Papers and discussions will not be restricted to aforementioned topics; manuscripts connecting different track themes are also invited. Papers from organization science, management, organizational and work psychology, sociology of work and organizations, computer science, information systems, and other fields are welcome since the conference promotes an interdisciplinary approach, but should relate to issues of management and organization. Theoretical and empirical papers employing qualitative or quantitative methods, as well as work-in-progress, PhD research and practical cases are all welcome.
We encourage authors to submit extended abstracts (500-1000 words; excluding title, authors’ information and references). The first page of the extended abstract should include the title, authors’ affiliations as well as track theme of preference.
Extended abstracts can follow the predetermined structure and can include the following:
- Theoretical background
- Purpose of study
- Method
- Findings
- Theoretical contribution
- Practical implications
- Keywords
Or follow other (also unstructured) usually accepted academic standards for crafting paper abstracts.
Abstracts may be submitted as a .pdf file, .doc file or .docx file.
Please submit the abstract until February 15, 2024 to the following email:
Abstracts of accepted papers for the conference are to be published in the online conference proceedings of abstracts. High quality abstracts will be encouraged to be developed and considered for publication in the Dynamic Relationships Management Journal published by the Slovenian Academy of Management (SAM). Poster sessions might be organized if we receive a larger number of high-quality submissions.